View Daily Program Grid View All Our Programs View Our Genre Guide Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12am 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm 2RRR Jukebox Rock & Roll Rising Harry L & Harry P.The Morning Mix Natalie de Silver The Meaningful Monday Show with Jeanine and ClareDown Memory Lane Streamer The BeagleMidday Jazz Monday Hartley Anderson Wild in the Country Michael ParsonsYouth Jukebox Youth Jukebox CrewPop Rock! RobbieSonic Stew Rocco GBack to the Metal The ReverendSmokestack Lightnin' Rob McKinney & Paul NewnumVirtual Unreality Chris Virtue Meet Me At The Movies Maggie MorganArts & Tarts Margie Mason2RRR's Jazz Jukebox The Jazz Phantom The Electric Barnyard John LeeThe Method Mixtapes Andrew ShawThe Shamrock Program Paul DixonTales From The High Stool Pádraig Ó CuinnRagsta Riches Ian RichesPop Rock! RobbieThe Morning Cafe Lacie Real World Gardener Marianne CannonThere Goes That Song Again Brian CrabbeThere Goes That Song Again Special Brian CrabbeMidday Jazz Wednesday Jim CattlinCosmic Cowboy Cafe Eddie WhiteIt's Time (CRN) William Brougham and Barry McKayAussie Music Weekly (CRN) NoddyLondon Calling Andy FranksLawless Street Chris MooreBacon Fat! SpudsThe Shamrock Program Paul DixonChook's Morning Roost ChookThe Alyssa & Geoff Experiments Alyssa & GeoffHit Parade of Yesterday (CRN) Radio Comedy Retrospective Dossier On Dumetrius Grace Gibson ProductionMidday Jazz Thursday Rob ScottCountry Roads RonnieboyMovin' & Groovin' Frank Vincent & Debbie MBabyface Broadcast Lord Mark Williamson Rock & Roll Rising Harry L & Harry P.Smokestack Lightnin' Rob McKinney & Paul NewnumLondon Calling Andy FranksThe Morning Hit Up AJ Jarvis Babyface Broadcast Lord Mark Williamson Rock n Roll Baby! Music Appreciation Paul & SteveNew York Jazz (CRN) Tom ParkerThere Goes That Song Again Brian CrabbeThere Goes That Song Again Special Brian CrabbeReal World Gardener Marianne CannonCosmic Cowboy Cafe Eddie WhiteVirtual Unreality Chris Virtue Accidentally Curley's Treat DJ Earley CurleyThe Funk Soul Brother DJ SwanrockThe Funk Soul Brother DJ SwanrockBacon Fat! SpudsBeale Street Caravan Pat Mitchell2RRR Jukebox Tales From The High Stool Pádraig Ó CuinnThe Electric Barnyard John LeeWild in the Country Michael ParsonsKaffy Country Terry KaffPlanet Football The Lone RangerThe Alyssa & Geoff Experiments Alyssa & GeoffSydney Sounds Big Daddy KTimeslides Natalie SmithRock n Roll Baby! The Funk Soul Brother DJ SwanrockHippa To Da Hoppa Hippa To Da Hoppa Tecka's Tracks (CRN) Tecka2RRR Jukebox Kaffy Country Terry KaffCountry Roads RonnieboyBluegrass County Bunker BobHungarian Radio Mozaik Sydney Katalin & Gustav IlosvaySydney Kannada Vani Raj NatarajanMahak (Hindi) Indian Dave JaswalEnjoy Yourself Today Bosco, Cecelia & JoeHealthy Living (Cantonese) Jeffery TseIT Technology (Cantonese) Jeffery TseVoice Of Nor Serount (Armenian) VatcheMoco Boula DJ PeachyDeadly Beats (CRN) Big Sexy2RRR Jukebox Monday12am2RRR Jukebox5amRock & Roll Rising7amThe Morning Mix9amThe Meaningful Monday Show10amDown Memory Lane12pmMidday Jazz Monday2pmWild in the Country 4pmYouth Jukebox5pmPop Rock!7pmSonic Stew8pmBack to the Metal10pmSmokestack Lightnin'Tuesday12am2RRR Jukebox5amVirtual Unreality 7amThe Morning Mix9amMeet Me At The Movies10amArts & Tarts12pm2RRR's Jazz Jukebox2pmThe Electric Barnyard 4pmYouth Jukebox5pmThe Method Mixtapes7pmThe Shamrock Program9pmTales From The High Stool11pmRagsta RichesWednesday12am2RRR Jukebox5amPop Rock!7amThe Morning Cafe 9amReal World Gardener10amThere Goes That Song Again11amThere Goes That Song Again Special12pmMidday Jazz Wednesday2pmCosmic Cowboy Cafe4pmYouth Jukebox5pmIt's Time (CRN)6pmAussie Music Weekly (CRN)7pmLondon Calling9pmLawless Street11pmBacon Fat! Thursday12am2RRR Jukebox5amThe Shamrock Program7amChook's Morning Roost 9amThe Alyssa & Geoff Experiments10amHit Parade of Yesterday (CRN)11amRadio Comedy Retrospective 11:30amDossier On Dumetrius 12pmMidday Jazz Thursday2pmCountry Roads4pmYouth Jukebox5pmMovin' & Groovin'7pmBabyface Broadcast 8pmRock & Roll Rising10pmSmokestack Lightnin'Friday12am2RRR Jukebox5amLondon Calling7amThe Morning Hit Up9amBabyface Broadcast 10amRock n Roll Baby!11amMusic Appreciation 12pmNew York Jazz (CRN)2pmThere Goes That Song Again3pmThere Goes That Song Again Special4pmReal World Gardener5pmCosmic Cowboy Cafe7pmVirtual Unreality 9pmAccidentally Curley's Treat11pmThe Funk Soul BrotherSaturday12amThe Funk Soul Brother1amBacon Fat! 2amBeale Street Caravan3am2RRR Jukebox4amTales From The High Stool6amThe Electric Barnyard 8amWild in the Country 10amKaffy Country11amPlanet Football1pmThe Alyssa & Geoff Experiments2pmSydney Sounds4pmTimeslides6pmRock n Roll Baby!8pmThe Funk Soul Brother10pmHippa To Da HoppaSunday12amHippa To Da Hoppa1amTecka's Tracks (CRN)3am2RRR Jukebox5amKaffy Country6amCountry Roads9amBluegrass County 11amHungarian Radio Mozaik Sydney1pmSydney Kannada Vani2pmMahak (Hindi) Indian4pmEnjoy Yourself Today5pmHealthy Living (Cantonese)6pmIT Technology (Cantonese)7pmVoice Of Nor Serount (Armenian)9pmMoco Boula10pmDeadly Beats (CRN)11pm2RRR Jukebox