The looming dark rain clouds serendipitously waited until the event finished at Midday to pour down, inviting guests to run for cover under the awnings of Cox’s Road Mall and to sample the local businesses serving delicious food, coffee, fresh produce, floristry and more! 2RRR was just up the road from the centre of the action, sending out a mix of songs and silly banter for the shopgoers and those tuning in from elsewhere. The event was held in honour of the past owners of the Cox’s Road Mall family & acknowledge the work they did & continue to do for the community. A big thank you to our sponsor, Bendigo Bank North Ryde, for reserving a prime spot on the day and for supplying the power!

From L/R: Michael “Wild in the Country” Parsons, Rosanna “Superstar” Galo, Natalie “Am I still Awake?” de Silver, Keith “Rough but sometimes Easy” Rider.
The lovely Alison & James from Bendigo Bank handing out chocolate coins to passers-by.
Natalie, alongside the gorgeous Greek duo, Terry Kaff and Rose, always brings some fun to the 2RRR airwaves.
Most of the cake ended up at the 2RRR broadcast desk because very kind people kept bringing us slices!
The newly installed plaque.
Action shot!!!