We love hearing new music (who doesn’t?), especially when it’s from talented local artists.

Digital Submissions

If you are an artist or in a band and would like to send us your music digitally, please feel free to upload it to our Dropbox account which will allow us to share your music with the appropriate presenters here at the station.

When uploading your file, if you could include in your file name the following that would be great:

‘Artist Name – Song Title [“A” for an Australian Artist or “I” for an International Artist] (Genre) [“E” if there is explicit content’] (.mp3)’

If possible, please submit ‘.mp3’ files as our Dropbox account has limited storage space.

‘wav.’ files may be deleted, so we encourage you to convert your files to ‘.mp3’ before submitting.

It is also very helpful if you indicate the genre of your music in the file you submit.

Physical Music Submissions

If you’d like to send us a physical CD, please mail it to the following address.

PO Box 644
NSW 1675